Covid-19-older people

Prevention protocol of Your angel against Coronavirus

Given the increase in positive cases due to coronavirus and the mobility restrictions due to the State of Alarm in our country, we want to remind you that Your Angel continues to offer the best assistance in the homes of our elderly, thanks to the fact that all caregivers have a mobility certificate.

Furthermore, we have proposed a series of measures that All the caregivers of Tu Ángel know and must follow . In the event of any incident involving caregivers, the Tu Ángel user must inform us immediately.

Likewise, since Your angel we have developed a protocol to be adopted at the home it will be very useful To avoid contagion in people at higher risk:

Your loved one accompanied and cared for by the most professional caregivers every day of the week

Hygienic measures that Tu Ángel's caregivers must follow

  • If the caregiver presents symptoms associated with Covid-19, they should not go to the home. You must notify Tu Ángel immediately and the replacement will be evaluated with the coordinator.

  • Frequent hand washing with soap and water or, failing that, with hydroalcoholic gel.

  • Continuous use of the mask. If removing it to eat or drink, do so at least two meters away from the user.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

  • If you cough or sneeze, do so into a disposable tissue or elbow.

  • Maintain a distance of 2 meters from the person being cared for whenever possible. When it is not, approach with a mask and after washing your hands.

  • Keep the entire house ventilated.

  • Continuous washing and disinfection of the areas of the house that are most touched by hands.

  • Daily change of clothes when going to the care recipient's home

  • It is recommended that you keep your nails short, avoiding the use of rings, bracelets, wrist watches and other accessories.

  • Leave your shoes outside the home and use other footwear indoors.

  • In the kitchen, wash all foods and surfaces where they will be handled thoroughly.

  • Control of possible symptoms of the person cared for to detect possible infections.

How Your Angel acts in the event of possible symptoms or contagion from the caregiver

  • If the caregiver has symptoms compatible with Covid, they must notify Tu Ángel immediately and not go to the home. The Tu Ángel Family Care Department will assess the situation and replacement of the caregiver. The caregiver may return home when they have a Negative PCR.

  • If the caregiver has been in contact with a Covid-positive person, they should not go to the home. Your Ángel will be notified to assess the situation and the replacement and will not return to work until he has a Negative PCR test.

How Your Angel acts in the event of possible symptoms or contagion of the person being cared for

  • Tu Ángel's caregivers, among their daily tasks, must be attentive to the possible appearance of symptoms. If symptoms compatible with Covid-19 are detected, medical services and the family will be notified immediately.

  • Tu Ángel cannot guarantee the home help service for people suffering from Covid-19. Tu Ángel offers home help services, but it is not a medical service. Your Angel cannot put the health of caregivers at risk, among other reasons, because many of them offer services in different homes.

We must take care of the mental health of our elders

Mental health and well-being are influenced by numerous factors and are prone to change. The stress of COVID-19, the uncertainty it creates, and the possibility that our elders may be more prone to the virus exacerbate any latent risk of depression or anxiety.

  • Minimize the risk of infection. Stay home if possible and avoid any unnecessary travel. Have someone else go out on your behalf for essentials but if you do go out, avoid crowds and wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after touching surfaces in public places or using the bathroom. If you need to cough or sneeze, do so into the inside of your elbow or use a tissue.

  • Educate the older adult on the use of smartphones, apps, laptops, tablets and desktop computers to stay connected through applications such as Facebook, WhatsApp and email. Furthermore, we must not forget the power of a note, card or letter from a loved one, friend, neighbor or acquaintance.

  • We are social beings and being connected is part of our humanity. Being part of a faith community is an important aspect of the social life of many older adults. Thinking creatively to connect them to your faith is important and can be done through online services, television and/or radio. Another important facet of our mental health is the need to have a purpose in life.

  • Although staying informed is necessary, too much news can have a harmful effect on mental health. It is important to take breaks to watch, read and/or listen to news and media. Whenever possible and not medically contraindicated, encourage physical exercise, such as stretching, yoga, and tai chi. Keeping your mind busy with crossword puzzles, chess, or reading books and magazines can be quite helpful.

  • Relaxation exercises are also beneficial. Provide time for relaxation exercises such as meditation, deep breathing, or guided imagery that help evoke the relaxation response and reduce stress. Practicing, at least a few minutes a day, can provide great benefit. Listening to music, playing musical instruments, participating in an art project, or working in the garden can also have wonderful therapeutic effects.
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